The standard index of microbial air contamination (IMA) for the measurement of microbial air contamination in environments at risk is determined using the 1/1/1 scheme. This method quantifies the microbial flow directly related to the contamination of surfaces coming from microbes that reach critical points by falling onto them. The index of microbial air contamination is based on the count of the microbial fallout onto Petri dishes left open to the air according to the 1/1/1 scheme (for 1h, 1m from the floor, at least 1m away from walls or any obstacle). The index of microbial air contamination has been tested in many different places: in hospitals, in food industries, in art galleries, aboard the MIR space station and also in the open air. It has proved to be a reliable and useful tool for monitoring microbial surface contamination settling from the air in any environment. For more information reference The index of microbial air contamination by C Pasquarella, O Pitzurra and A Savino.
Lightico use of the 1/1/1 scheme refers to the exposure of 18ml of nutrient agar contained in a 100mm diameter petri dish, 15mm deep for 1 hour. The dish is suspended 1m from the floor on a stand positioned 1m from the wall. 1 hour, 1m from the floor, 1m from the wall.
This ensures that whatever settles onto the plate during the 1-hour exposure period is from the air not contamination from surfaces or people. Lightico sample up to 3 separate locations with a room so that an average or total can be provided.
Lightico use of the 1/1/1 scheme refers to the exposure of 18ml of nutrient agar contained in a 100mm diameter petri dish, 15mm deep for 1 hour. The dish is suspended 1m from the floor on a stand positioned 1m from the wall. 1 hour, 1m from the floor, 1m from the wall.
This ensures that whatever settles onto the plate during the 1-hour exposure period is from the air not contamination from surfaces or people. Lightico sample up to 3 separate locations with a room so that an average or total can be provided.
Lightico use of the 1/1/1 scheme refers to the exposure of 18ml of nutrient agar contained in a 100mm diameter petri dish, 15mm deep for 1 hour. The dish is suspended 1m from the floor on a stand positioned 1m from the wall. 1 hour, 1m from the floor, 1m from the wall.
This ensures that whatever settles onto the plate during the 1-hour exposure period is from the air not contamination from surfaces or people. Lightico sample up to 3 separate locations with a room so that an average or total can be provided.
To see the output of our Air Quality Audit carried out using this method click on the link below: